NCERT Solutions, Question Answer, and Mind Map for Class 10 Social Studies Civics Chapter 3, “Democracy and Diversity,” is a study material package designed to help students understand the concepts related to democracy and diversity and their interdependence.
NCERT Solutions provide detailed explanations and answers to the questions presented in the chapter. The solutions cover all the topics in the chapter, including the definition of democracy, the importance of diversity in democracy, and the ways in which diversity can be managed in a democratic setup. They also provide tips on how to answer different types of questions, including short answer, long answer, and multiple-choice questions.
The question-answer section of the chapter covers a wide range of topics, from the meaning and types of diversity to the role of democracy in managing diversity. It also includes questions on the challenges faced by a diverse society and the ways in which they can be overcome through democratic means.
The mind map provides a visual representation of the key topics covered in the chapter, allowing students to understand the connections between different concepts and ideas. The mind map covers the meaning of democracy, the role of diversity in democracy, and the ways in which democracy can manage diversity.
NCERT Solutions / Notes Class 10 Social Studies Civics Chapter 3 Democracy and Diversity
Democracy and Diversity
Most of the countries today have multi-religious, multi-ethnic and multi-linguistic societies. Maintaining such a vast diversified population is a challenging task for any nation. Today, in even democratic countries, many people are discriminated on the basis of caste, class, skin colour, religion or language. Social differences are created in a society when a majority community tries to suppress a minority community.
NCERT Solutions for Class 6th SSt
- Chapter 1
Some countries where social differences existed or exist are Sri Lanka (division between Sinhalese and Tamilians), Belgium (between French- and Dutch-speaking populations) and USA (Blacks and Whites). Social differences in many countries may lead to social division.
Incident of two US athletes who protested at Mexico Olympics in 1968:
Tommie Smith and John Carlos, the US athletes received their medals wearing only a pair of black socks with no shoes to represent Black poverty. The black-gloved and raised clenched fists were meant to symbolize Black Power. They were responding to social divisions and social inequalities. With this gesture their intention was to draw international attention to racial discrimination in the United States. Peter Norman wore a human rights badge on his shirt during the ceremony to show his support to the two Americans. The medals were taken back from Tommie Smith and John Carlos because the International Olympic Association held both of them guilty of violating the Olympic spirit by making a political statement.
Origin of Social Differences
Social differences may originate because of the following reasons:
- Most social differences are based on the accident of birth. For example, people may be tall, strong, weak, girl or boy.
- Some social differences emerge because people choose to follow certain practices or principles. For example, a person may be an atheist or may be a feminist. Some people may convert to another religion.
- All social differences do not result in social divisions. Sometimes, even people belonging to different religions may have common interests.
Overlapping and Cross-cutting Differences
- There are overlapping and cross-cutting social differences in society.
- When social differences overlap with each other, they become social divisions. Social differences overlap when one community apart from facing discriminations is denied economic benefits and education and thus remains backward.
- An example of overlapping social differences was the difference between the Blacks and the Whites in America. While the Whites were rich and educated, the Blacks were poor and uneducated. There was a deep polarisation of a population. Similarly, in Northern Ireland, Catholics are poor and denied any educational assistance, while Protestants are rich and provided educational assistance.
- Cross-cutting social differences take place when the communities are not polarised. For example, in the Netherlands, class and religion cut across each other. People of both communities-Protestants and Catholics-are rich and poor; it is not that only one community is poor. Therefore, the differences are cross-cutting.
- It is easier to bridge cross-cutting differences. Overlapping differences are serious and can threaten the unity and diversity of a country.
- Migration of people in homogeneous countries (when the population of the country mostly belongs to the same ethnic group) has made societies more diversified.
Impact of Social Divisions on Politics
Social divisions may lead to conflicts and violence resulting in the disintegration of a country. This can be seen from the example of Northern Ireland.
- The population of Northern Ireland is divided into Protestants and Catholics. While 53% of the population is Protestant, 44% is Catholic.
- The Nationalist parties which represented Catholics demanded their unification with the Republic of Ireland which is inhabited mostly by Catholics.
- The Unionists represented the Protestants who wanted to remain with UK.
- This social difference transformed into a social division. Thousands of people including the security forces were killed in conflicts between Unionists and Catholics. It was only in 1998, that a peace treaty was signed between the Nationalists and the government of UK.
- The situation was different in Yugoslavia. Political conflicts along religious and ethnic differences finally led to its breakup.
- However, social divisions may not always lead to the disintegration of the country. People belonging to different communities and castes vote for the people belonging to their own community. Many parties also work for the development of only one community. This however does not lead to the disintegration of countries.
Three Determiners
Three factors play a vital role in deciding the result of the politics of social divisions. These are
- If people in a country view their identity as singular and exclusive, it becomes extremely difficult to maintain the unity of the country. On the other hand, if people view their identity as multiple and in national interests, the unity of the country is never threatened.
- It also depends on how the political leaders of the country represent the demand of any community. If the demands of any community do not threaten the provisions of the Constitution and are not at the cost of any other community, the diversity of the country is maintained. In Yugoslavia, the leaders represented the demands of their communities in a way that it finally led to the disintegration of the country.
- Another important factor depends on how the government responds to the demands of various pressure groups. If the political leaders agree to the demands of the communities and give them rights and powers, then the unity and the diversity of the country can be maintained; for example, Belgium.
Therefore, we see that each social division does not threaten the unity of the country. The struggle against injustice may become violent sometimes, but dealing with such issues democratically goes a long way in maintaining the integrity of the country.
Class 10 Social Studies Civics Chapter 3 Important Questions
Multiple Choice Questions-
NCERT Solutions for Class 6th SSt
- Chapter 1
1. Social difference arise due to difference in
(a) Race
(b) Religion
(c) Language
(d) All of the above
2. Which three elements show the basic unity in India?
(i) Cultural unity
(ii) Discrimination
(iii) Unity in language
(iv) Religious equality
(a) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(b) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(c) (i) and (iii) only
(d) (i) and (iv) only
3. Society is fairly homogenous i.e., there are no significant ethnic difference in
(a) Germany
(b) Belgium
(c) Sri Lanka
(d) China
4. To show his support to the protesting. American athletes during the award ceremony of Mexico Olympics, Peter Norman
(a) wore no socks
(b) wore a human right badge
(c) wore a black scarf
(d) wore a string of beads
5. A society that has similar kinds of people, especially where there are no significant ethnic differences is called a
(a) Secular society
(b) Communal society
(c) Homogenous society
(d) Socially divided
6. African – American is the term used for:
(a) Africans who were brought into America as slaves
(b) Black Americans of America
(c) Martin Luther and his group
(d) John Corlos and Smith
7. Democracy involves:
(a) Competition among various political parties
(b) Religious inequalities
(c) Cultural diversity
(d) Conflict, violence and disintegration
8. Which three countries faced the problem of social division?
(a) United Kingdom, USA and India
(b) Belgium, Sri Lanka and United Kingdom
(c) Sri Lanka, Canada and India
(d) Belgium, Germany and USA
9. Overlapping differences signify:
(a) Religious and linguistic differences
(b) Cross-cut social differences
(c) Some social difference overlaps with other differences
(d) Cultural differences
10. What does the “Civil Rights Movement of USA” signify?
(a) A movement against the discrimination
(b) A reform movement for the Civil Rights of the citizens
(c) A reform movement against the social discriminations of Afro-Americans
(d) None of the above
11. Which of the following statements about social differences in the Netherlands and Northern Ireland are correct?
A. Both Northern Ireland and the Netherlands are predominantly Christian but divided between Catholics and Protestants.
B. In Northern Ireland class and religion overlap each other.
C. Overlapping social differences do not create possibilities of deep social divisions and tensions.
D. In the Netherlands, class and religion tend to cut across each other.
(a) A, B, C and D
(b) A, B and D
(c) C and D
(d) B, C and D
12. Which of these statements regarding factors affecting politics of social divisions are true?
A. It is much easier if the people see that their identities are multiple and are complementary with national identity.
B. If people see their identities in singular and exclusive terms, it becomes very easy to accommodate.
C. It is easier to accommodate demands that are within the constitutional framework and not at the cost of another community.
D. It depends on how the government reacts to demands of different groups.
E. Attempts at forced integration do not sow the seeds of disintegration.
(a) A and B are true.
(b) C and B are true.
(c) A, B and C are true.
(d) A, C and D are true.
13. Identify the countries which faced the problem of social divisions.
(a) Belgium, Germany and USA
(b) Belgium, Sri Lanka and U.K.
(c) Sri Lanka, Canada and India
(d) U.K., USA and India
14. Which one of the following statements is not correct about social division?
(a) Too many small divisions are better than a single big division.
(b) Politics is a force of unity when expressions of various kinds of social divisions occur.
(c) It is only in countries like India that we have social divisions.
(d) Assertion of social diversities in a country need not be seen as a source of danger.
Class 10 Social Studies Civics Chapter 3 Very Short-
- What is language problem?
- Where were the Olympics held in 1968?
- What is meant by economic disparities?
- What is homogeneous society?
- What is meant by secular state?
- What is meant by national integration?
- What is communalism?
- What is caste prejudice?
- Name any two Asian countries in which there was conflict between two linguistic and ethnic groups.
- Who was the Australian athlete who showed sympathy and support to the two black American athletes?
Short Questions-
1. Give example to prove that social divisions of one kind or another exist in most of countries.
2. Give examples of people belonging to different social groups sharing differences and similarities cutting across the boundaries of countries.
3. Explain the main problem of Northern Ireland.
4. What did the African American athlete do in order to draw international attention to Black poverty in the Mexico Olympics?
5. Who was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement? Describe the importance of this movement.
6. Explain with examples different forms of social diversity.
7. Describe the idea of overlapping differences with examples.
8. Describe the idea of cross cutting differences with examples.
9. Explain the negative impact of social division on politics?
10. Explain the positive impact of social division on politics?
Long Questions –
1. Do you think that social divisions are always dangerous? Explain.
2. In a democracy every expression of social division in politics is not disastrous”. Establish the truth of the statement.
3. How far is it correct to say that social divisions exist only in big countries like India?
4. Overlapping social differences and cross cutting of differences create social divisions? Explain.
5. What are the features of civil rights movement in USA?
6. What are the features of Black Power Movement in USA?
7. Name the athletes who raised the civil rights issue? Who did they express their anger?
8. How is political expression of social divisions in democracy beneficial?
Assertion and Reason Questions –
1. In these questions, a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.
- Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation for assertion.
- Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct explanation for assertion.
- Assertion is correct statement, but reason is wrong statement.
- Both assertion and reason are wrong statements.
Assertion (A): Consumer industries produces goods for direct use by consumers.
Reason (R): Consumer industries are Agro based.
NCERT Solutions for Class 6th SSt
- Chapter 1
2. In these questions, a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.
- Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation for assertion.
- Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct explanation for assertion.
- Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
- Both assertion and reason are wrong statements.
Assertion (A): Industrial development cannot minimize environmental degradation.
Reason (R): Environmental degradation depends on the raw material used.
MCQ Answers-
- Answer: d
- Answer: a
- Answer: a
- Answer: b
- Answer: c
- Answer: a
- Answer: c
- Answer: b
- Answer: c
- Answer: c
- Answer: b
- Answer: d
- Answer: b
- Answer: c
Very Short Answers-
- Ans. The language problem means giving more preference to one’s own language. South Indian people are not ready to accept Hindi.
- Ans. Mexico
- Ans. The gulf between the haves and have not has led to an increase in tension among the classes.
- Ans. A society that has similar kinds of people, especially where there are no significant ethnic difference.
- Ans. A secular state has no official religion. It is neither religious and nor anti religious. It allows equal freedom of faith and worship to all.
- Ans. National integration implies harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India despite differences of religion, race, caste, language or place of birth.
- Ans. Communalism means encouraging and defending religious fundamentalism in order to divide society along the religious lines.
- Ans. To make matters worse, very stick toward own caste and feels better than others.
- Ans. Sri Lanka and Israel
- Ans. Peter Norman
Short Answers-
1. Ans.
1) India is famous for its diversity.
2) Even the Muslim countries are divided in to shias and Sunnis.
3) Countries like Germany and Sweden which are considered homogeneous societies are undergoing rapid change because of migration from other parts of world. Thus social division exists in all parts of the world.
2. Ans.
1) Johan Carlos and Tommie Smith of US were Black Americans.
2) They were similar and but different from Peter Norman who was white from Australia.
3) But they were all athlete who stood up against racial discrimination.
3. Ans.
1) The main problem was between Catholics and Protestants of Ireland.
2) In North Ireland Protestants were 53 and Catholics were 44%.
3) This ethnic divided became a political divided when Catholic were represented by Nationalist parties.
4) Protestants were represented by Unionists.
5) Violent clashes were started between them.
4. Ans.
1) The two athletes were Tommy Smith and Johan Carlos of US.
2) They received their gold and bronze medal at the Mexico City wearing black socks and no shoes to represent black poverty.
3) They stood with clenched fists and black gloves symbolizing black poverty and head bowed when the American national anthem was being played.
5. Ans.
1) Martin Luther King Junior was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement.
2) He started a reform movement to abolish legal and racial discrimination against African Americans.
3) He used non violent method to protest.
6. Ans.
1) The social differences can be overlapping and cross-cutting in nature.
2) The differences between Blacks and whites become a social division when blacks are found to be poor, racially discriminated and homeless.
3) If social difference cross cut one another it is difficult for groups to get pitted against one another. Example, In Netherlands, class and region cross cut each other. Catholics and Protestants are equally rich or poor in that country.
7. Ans.
1) Over lapping differences includes when some social differences overlaps with other differences.
2) Situation of this kind produce social divisions, when one kind of social differences becomes more important than the other and people start feeling that they belong to different communities.
In our country Dalits tend to be poor and landless and often face injustice and discrimination
8. Ans.
1) If social differences cross-cut one another, it is difficult to pi group of people against the other.
2) It means those groups that share a common interest on one issue are likely to be on different sides on a different issue.
3) Cross cutting difference are easier to accommodate.
9. Ans.
1) Democracy involves completion among various political parties. Their competition tends to divide any society.
2) If they start competing in terms of some existing social divisions, it can make social divisions into political divisions and led to conflict violence or even disintegration of a country.
3) For example-Northern Ireland of the United Kingdome have been for many years the sites of a violent and bitter ethno political conflict.
10. Ans.
1) Every expression of social division in politics does not lead to disasters.
2) Social divisions of some or the other kind do exist in every society of the world and are reflected in politics.
3) In democracy it is only natural that political parties would talk about these divisions, make different promises to different communities, look after due representation of various communities and policies to redress the grievance of disadvantages communities.
Long Answers –
1. Ans.
1) Every social difference does not lead to social division. Also social divisions are not always dangerous.
2) Social differences divide similar people from one another, but they also unite very different people. People belonging to different social groups share differences and smilarities cutting across the boundaries of their groups.
3) People belonging to the same religion to feel that they do not belong to the same community because their caste or sect is very different. It is also possible for people from different religion to have the same caste and feel close to each other.
4) Rich and poor persons from the same family do not keep close relation with each other for they feel they are very different.
5) Thus we all have more than one identity and can belong to more than one social group.
2. Ans.
1) At first sight it would appear that the combination of politics and social divisions is very dangerous and explosive.
2) But social division of one kind or another exist in most countries of the world. Wherever they exist, these divisions are reflected in politics.
3) Democracy involves completion among various political parties tends to divide any society. But it is not always disastrous.
4) In a democracy political expression of social division is very normal and can be healthy. This allows various disadvantages and marginal social groups to express their grievances and get the government to attend to these.
5) Expression of various kinds of social divisions in politics often results in their cancelling one another out and thus reducing their intensity. This leads to strengthening of a democracy.
3. Ans.
1) Social divisions of one kind or another exist in most countries. It does not matter whether the country is small or big.
2) India is vast country with many communities. Belgium is a small country with many communities.
3) Even those countries such as Germany and Sweden that were once highly homogeneous are going rapid change with influx of people from other parts of the world.
4) Migrants bring with them their own culture and tend to form a different social community.
5) In this sense most countries of the world are multi-cultural and having social division.
4. Ans.
1) Social division takes place when some social difference overlapped with other differences.
2) Situation of this point produce social division, when one kind of social difference becomes more important when the other and people start feeling that they belong to different community.
3) The difference between the blacks and whites becomes a social division in the US because the blacks tend to be poor, homeless and discriminated against.
4) If social differences crosscut one anther it is difficult to pit one group of people against the other.
5) It means the groups who share a common interest on one issue are likely to be indifferent sides on a different issue.
6)Overlapping social differences create possibility of deep social division and tension while cross cutting differences are easier to accommodate.
5. Ans.
1) The civil Rights Movement was started in the USA in 1954. It lasted in 1968.
2) This movement refers to a set of events and reform movements aimed at abolishing legal racial discrimination against African-Americans.
3) This movement was led by martin Luther King Junior.
4) It was a reform movement.
5) This Movement practiced non violent methods of civil disobedience against racially discriminatory laws and practices.
6. Ans.
1) This movement was run during 1966-1975.
2) It believed in violence.
3) This movement had no leader.
4) This movement resorted to violence to end racism.
5) It was an unorganized, more militant and anti racist movement.
7. Ans.
1) Tommy Smith and John Carlos, African Americans were the US Athletes.
2) They had won the Gold and Bronze Medals respectively in the 200 meter race and raised the civil rights issue.
3) They received their medals wearing black socks and no shoes to represent Black poverty.
4) With this gesture they tried to draw international attention to racial discrimination in the United States.
5) The black gloved and raised clenched fists were meant to symbolize black power.
8. Ans. In a democracy political expression of social division is very normal and can be healthy. In the cases of India, Sri Lanka, Belgium, Yugoslavia it has very much observed that social diversities can be accommodated in a very positive manner. But a positive attitude towards diversity and a willingness to accommodate it do not come about easily.
1) People who feel marginalized, deprived and discriminated have to fight against the injustice.
2) Such a fight often takes the democratic path voicing their demands in a peacefully and constitutional manner.
3) Seeking a fair position through elections.
4) Some time social differences can take the form of unacceptable level of social inequalities and injustice. The struggle against such inequalities sometimes takes the path of violence and defiance of state power.
Assertion and Reason Answers –
1. a) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation for assertion.
Explanation: Civil rights movement in the USA (1954-1968) practiced non-violent means to protest against racial discrimination. Racial discrimination is not justified and should be completely ousted from the mentalities of the people. The reason justifies the assertion.
2. b) Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct explanation for assertion.
Explanation: The difference between tire Blacks and Whites becomes Social division in the US. Social division takes place when some social difference overlaps with other differences. However, the reason does not justify the assertion.
NCERT Solutions for Class 6th SSt
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