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MCQ Questions for Class 12 History Chapter 10 Colonialism and the Countryside with Answer
Q1. Who introduced the Permanent Settlement in Bengal?
(i) Lord Charles Cornwallis
(ii) Francis Buchanan
(iii) David Ricardo
(iv) Thomas Munro
(i) Lord Charles Cornwallis
Q2. The life span of Maharaja Mehtab Chand was
(i) 1830-1889.
(ii) 1820-1879.
(iii) 1825-1863.
(iv) 1832-1888.
(ii) 1820-1879.
Q3. When was Fifth Report introduced in the British Parliament?
(i) 1770
(ii) 1858
(iii) 1813
(iv) 1795
(iii) 1813
Q4. Which of the following is not a feature of shifting cultivation?
(i) Patches of forest are cut and burnt in rotation.
(ii) Seeds are sown in the ashes.
(iii) Plots cleared are cultivated for a few years and then left fallow.
(iv) These patches were enriched by nitrogen from the ash.
(iv) These patches were enriched by nitrogen from the ash.
Q5. Professionally, Buchanan was a/an
(i) archaeologist.
(ii) physician.
(iii) philosopher.
(iv) viceroy.
Q6. Who among the following emerged as a danger for Paharis?
(i) Santhal
(ii) Bhil
(e) Guj jar
(iv) Bekarwal
(i) Santhal
Q7. Who among the following was the leader of the Santhal rebellion?
(i) Siddhu Manjhi
(ii) Birsa Munda
(iii) Kanu
(iv) Paharias
(i) Siddhu Manjhi
Q8. The Royatwari system was implemented mainly in
(i) Bombay Deccan
(ii) Calcutta and Northern India
(iii) Northern India only
(iv) Bihar and Assam.
(i) Bombay Deccan
Q9. Daniin-i-koh was formed for __
(i) Santhals
(ii) Paharias
(iii) British
(iv) Zamindari
Q10. What were the hill folks known as?
(i) Dikus
(ii) Ryots
(iii) Santhals
(iv) Paharias
(iv) Paharias
Q11. The Company established its rule in Bengal in mid
(i) 1770s.
(ii) 1760s.
(iii) 1750s.
(iv) 1740s.
(ii) 1760s.
Q12. Damin-i-Koh was the area demarcated for the tribe.
(i) Ho
(ii) Santhal
(iii) Munda
(iv) Junto
(ii) Santhal.
Q13. Which revenue system was introduced in Bombay Deccan?
(i) Permanent Settlement
(ii) Kankut
(iii) Batai
(iv) Ryotwari
Q14. Which commission was set up to investigate the riots of Deccan’s farmer in 1875?
(i) Deccan riots commission
(ii) Hyderabad riots commission
(iii) Bengal riots commission
(iv) Chota Nagpur Plateau riots commission
(i) Deccan riots commission
Q15. When was the permanent settlement introduced in Bengal?
(i) 1785
(ii) 1764
(iii) 1793
(iv) 1905
(iii) 1793
Q16. By which name were the jotedars called?
(i) Zamindars
(ii) Ryots
(iii) Haoldars
(iv) Paharias
(iii) Haoldars
Q17. Till 1832, a large area of land given to Santhals was demarcated as
(i) Damin-i-Koh.
(ii) Twenty four kos.
(iii) Santhal property.
(iv) Paharias property.
Q18. When was Fifth Report introduced in the British Parliament?
(i) 1770
(ii) 1858
(iii) 1813
(iv) 1795
(iii) 1813