Overwatch 2 Beta Redeem: The Overwatch 2 console beta is here, giving players on Xbox and PlayStation hardware their first taste of Blizzard’s latest title. While PC players enjoyed the final beta, console players had to be patient.

That wait is now over… at least if you’re lucky enough to be invited to the Overwatch 2 beta. While it’s not clear exactly how many are being let in and in what timeframe, Blizzard has said that it intends to let everyone in by July 14.
Aspect | Description |
Game Title | Overwatch 2 Beta |
Developer | Blizzard Entertainment |
Release Date | Beta release date is yet to be announced |
Platforms | PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch (expected) |
Game Mode | Team-based multiplayer shooter |
Sequel | Overwatch 2 is the sequel to the original Overwatch game |
New Features | Updated graphics, PvE (Player vs. Environment) story-driven missions, and hero progression |
Hero Roster | Expanded hero roster with new heroes |
Maps | New maps and locations to explore |
PvP Multiplayer | Competitive multiplayer modes and gameplay |
PvE Missions | Cooperative missions where players battle AI-controlled enemies |
Progression System | Players can level up heroes, unlock abilities, and customize their appearance |
Cross-play | Possibility of cross-play support across different platforms |
All Overwatch 2 Beta Redeem Codes:-
The list of eligible streamers from which you can receive Overwatch 2 Beta Twitch Drops is available here. To immediately access their official channel, click the link.
- A_Seagull
- AAlBaqoni
- AceofSpades
- Ade
- adepththebest
- AlexiaRay
- Alpha
- Anaee
- angelxoxo
- Angrodtralari
- AnneMunition
- Aomdi
- Arcang3lon
- Arrge
- Aryll
- Asmongold
- Aspen
- August
- Avast
- Bazzagazza
- BeaPlays
- Beaver
- Beyaca
- Bighead
- Blizzholics
- Blue
- Briggsycakes
- BroYouWack
- Bruninho S07
- Bus
- CDNThe3rd
- Ch1ckenkun
- ChangSik
- Cheomyeom
- chipsa
- ChristalRaine
- Crayator
- crendor
- Crescent
- cuppcaake
- Custa
- Daniel Fenner
- Datto
- Deku
- Dexbonus
- dianamonsters
- Dohyeon
- DominoJack
- Dragoneddy
- Dullachann
- Dyrus
- eajpark
- echoflex
- EeveeA
- Electra
- Ellohime
- Emiliath
- Emongg
- Enyung
- Eskay
- Eviltoaster
- Fareeha
- FDGod_OW
- Fefe
- Fextralife
- FindingKyKy
- Fitzyhere
- Flats
- FroggerOW
- Fuki
- Gale Adelade
- Gavi
- Geguri
- GetQuakedOn
- Guru
- Hal
- Halo
- Hammerkick
Overwatch 2 Twitch Drops Streamers List
- 6tan
- A_Seagull
- AAlBaqoni
- AceofSpades
- Ade
- adepththebest
- AlexiaRay
- Alpha
- Anaee
- angelxoxo
- Angrodtralari
- AnneMunition
- Aomdi
- Arcang3lon
- Arrge
- Aryll
- Asmongold
- Aspen
- August
- Avast
- Bazzagazza
- BeaPlays
- Beaver
- Beyaca
- Bighead
- Blizzholics
- Blue
- Briggsycakes
- BroYouWack
- Bruninho S07
- Bus
- CDNThe3rd
- Ch1ckenkun
- ChangSik
- Cheomyeom
- chipsa
- ChristalRaine
- Crayator
- crendor
- Crescent
- cuppcaake
- Custa
- Daniel Fenner
- Datto
- Deku
- Dexbonus
- dianamonsters
- Dohyeon
- DominoJack
- Dragoneddy
- Dullachann
- Dyrus
- eajpark
- echoflex
- EeveeA
- Electra
- Ellohime
- Emiliath
- Emongg
- Enyung
- Eskay
- Eviltoaster
- Fareeha
- FDGod_OW
- Fefe
- Fextralife
- FindingKyKy
- Fitzyhere
- Flats
- FroggerOW
- Fuki
- Gale Adelade
- Gavi
- Geguri
- GetQuakedOn
- Guru
- Hal
- Halo
- Hammerkick
- HighscoreHeroes
- hoshimi
- Hoshizora
- iddqd
- imaqtpie
- itmeJP
- Ivajpro
- Izeef
- Izgerte
- Jake
- Jaws
- Jay3
- JesseSMFI
- Jinsei
- Jotum
- Joystick
- kabaji
- KarQ
- Katie
- Kephrii
- Kimjaewon
- Kimtongsoo
- Kragiee
- KristenRae
- Kruzadar
- Kssarplayz
- Lassiz
- Last Chance
- Leetaejun
- LegDay
- Leia
- LemonKiwi
- leveluplifting
- Lice
- linkzr
- Lirik
- LuLuLuvely
- Macro
- manda_amsbt
- Mangojai
- Mars
- mendo
- Merciful
- Metro
- Mirage
- MisSkywalker
- ml7
- moonmoon
- Mr Yee
- Namunlbo
- Narullsbackyard
- Neves
- Niandra
- nielnieh
- Nitrao_
- Noserino
- Oasis
- One_shot_gurl
- Oputo
- Overpowered
- ovileemay
- OWGrandma
- Pandaren
- Phyerx
- PlayOverwatch
- Pokelawls
- Pokimane
- Potxeca
- Punkdll
- QueenE
- Restya
- Rrmy
- RubenSargasm
- Runner
- Ryujehong
- Saebyeolbe
- SaltyPhish
- Samito
- Sesuko
- Shiphtur
- Siomer
- Sisime
- Skiesti
- Sleepy
- Solmyr
- Somjuu
- Somnus
- Sooshi
- Star System
- Strippin
- Stylosa
- Summerpie
- Sunshinebread
- supertf
- surefour
- SypherPK
- ta1yo
- TallNQuirky
- Tekkudesu
- Teko
- Tex
- TheDarkness
- Themarinekr
- thexboxlucio
- Toniki
- Tyr0din
- Vale
- Violet
- Warn
- Woogying
- Xargon
- Xenofly
- Yeatle
- YourOverwatch
- Yuuie
- Yznsa
- Zardoide
- ZRush
How to Redeem Overwatch 2 Beta Codes?
- Following are instructions on how to redeem Overwatch 2 Beta Codes via drops:
- Register on Battle.net.
- Enter your Twitch login information.
- Connect your Battle.net and Twitch now.
- If you currently own Overwatch, update it.
- Otherwise, get the free Overwatch 2 trial.
- Watch a stream from one of the qualified streamers for four hours.
- The streams can be seen in any sequence that you like.
- You will receive the code once the 4-hour period has passed.
- The Overwatch icon on Battle.net must then be clicked.
- Select the game to begin.
- Click to access the Technical Beta for Overwatch 2.