Mod Education provided Best Solution for CBSE RBSE NCERT Solution for Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Electricity Books Chapter Solution and Notes test paper and Exam Base Most Important Questions, MCQs, Video Class.

NCERT Solution for Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Electricity
What does an electric circuit mean?
A continuous and closed path of an electric current is called an electric circuit. An
electric circuit consists of electric power source, wires, switches and electric
devices like resistors bulbs etc.
What determines the rate at which energy is delivered by a current?
The rate at which energy is delivered is the power of the electric appliance.
Name a device that helps to maintain a potential difference across a conductor.
A battery.
Why are coils of electric toasters and electric irons are made of an-alloy rather than a pure metal ?
The coils of electric toasters, electric irons and other heating devices are made of an alloy rather than a pure metal because (i) the resistivity of an alloy is much higher than that of a pure metal, and (ii) an alloy does not undergo oxidation (or burn) easily even at high temperature, when it is red hot.
Why are alloys commonly used in electric heating devices? Given reason. [CBSE 2018]
The coils of electric toasters, electric irons and other heating devices are made of an alloy rather than a pure metal because (i) the resistivity of an alloy is much higher than that of a pure metal, and (ii) an alloy does not undergo oxidation (or burn) easily even at high temperature, when it is red hot.
Why does the cord of an electric heater not glow while the heating element does ?
Heat generated in a circuit is given by I2R t. The heating element of an electric heater made of nichrome glows because it becomes red-hot due to the large amount of heat produced on passing current because of its high resistance, but the cord of the electric heater made of copper does not glow because negligible heat is produced in it by passing current because of its extremely low resistance.
What determines the rate at which energy is delivered by a current ?
Resistance of the circuit determines the rate at which energy is delivered by a current.