MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science : MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Federalism with Answers is very important for the students. Free Video Class 10 for SSt on Youtube

MCQ Question for Class 10 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Federalism with Answer
Question 1.
The number of seats reserved for women in the panchayats and municipalities is
(a) one-fourth
(b) one-third
(c) half
(d) one-fifth
Answer: (b) one-third
Question 2.
‘Holding together federations are not found in
(a) India
(b) Spain
(c) Belgium
(d) Australia
Answer: (d) Australia
Question 3.
Subjects like computer software comes in the
(a) Union List
(b) State List
(c) Concurrent List
(d) Residuary List
Answer: (d) Residuary List
Question 4.
Which of the following states has been given a special status?
(a) Jammu and Kashmir
(b) Tripura
(c) Bihar
(d) Haryana
Answer: (a) Jammu and Kashmir
Question 5.
The number of Scheduled Languages in India is
(a) 21
(b) 22
(c) 23
(d) 25
Answer: (b) 22
Question 6.
Which one of the following States in India has its own Constitution?
(a) Uttarakhand
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) J & K
(d) Nagaland
Answer: (c) J & K
Question 7.
Which among the following are examples of ‘Coming together federations’?
(a) India, Spain and Belgium
(b) India, USA and Spain
(c) USA, Switzerland and Australia
(d) Belgium and Sri Lanka
Answer: (c) USA, Switzerland and Australia
Question 8.
In India’s federal system, the state governments have the power to legislate on all those subjects which are included in the:
(a) Union list
(b) State list
(c) Concurrent list
(d) Residuary subjects
Answer: (b) State list
Question 9.
The Constitution of India
(a) divided powers between centre and states in three lists.
(b) divided powers between centre and states in two lists.
(c) listed the powers of the states and left the undefined powers to the state.
(d) Specified the pow ers of the states and left the residuary powers with the centre.
Answer: (a) divided powers between centre and states in three lists.
Question 10.
In case of a clash between the laws made by the centre and a state on a subject in the concurrent list:
(a) the state law prevails.
(b) the central law prevails.
(c) both the laws prevail within their respective jurisdictions.
(d) the Supreme Court has to intervene to decide.
Answer: (b) the central law prevails.
Question 11.
What is the third tier of government known as?
(a) Village Panchayats
(b) State government
(c) Local self-government
(d) Zila Parishad
Answer: (c) Local self-government
Question 12.
What is true regarding sources of revenue in a federal system?
(a) States have no financial powers or independent sources of revenue.
(b) States are dependent on revenue or funds on the central government.
(c) Sources of revenue for each level of government are clearly specified to ensure its financial autonomy.
(d) States have no financial autonomy.
Answer: (c) Sources of revenue for each level of government are clearly specified to ensure its financial autonomy.
Question 13.
Which of the following is incorrect regarding a unitary government?
(a) There is either only one level of government or the sub-units are subordinate to the central government.
(b) The central government can pass on orders to the provincial government.
(c) A state government is conservable to central government.
(d) The powers of state governments are guaranteed by the Constitution.
Answer: (d) The powers of state governments are guaranteed by the Constitution.
Question 14.
What are the kinds of routes through which federations have been formed?
(a) One route involves independent states coming together on their own to form a bigger unit
(b) The second route is where a large country decides to divide its powers between the states and the national government
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these
Answer: (c) Both a and b
Question 15.
Which period saw the rise of regional political parties in many states of the country?
(a) Period after 1990
(b) Period after 2000
(c) Period after 1980
(d) Period after 1970
Answer: (a) Period after 1990
Question 16.
Which language is recognised as the national language by the Constitution of India?
(a) Hindi
(b) English
(c) Tamil
(d) None of these
Answer: (d) None of these
Question 17.
Which state of India enjoys a special status and has its own Constitution?
(a) Bihar
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Kerala
(d) Jammu and Kashmir
Answer: (d) Jammu and Kashmir
Question 18.
Which of the following subjects is not included in the Union list?
(a) Defence
(b) Foreign affairs
(c) Police
(d) Banking
Answer: (c) Police
Question 19.
Which of the following is not an example of ‘holding together’ federations?
(a) India
(b) Spain
(c) Belgium
(d) Switzerland
Answer: (d) Switzerland
Question 20.
Which level of government in India has the power to legislate on the ‘residuary’ subjects?
(a) Union government
(b) State government
(c) Local self-government
(d) Both a and b
Answer: (a) Union government